Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Discussion Questions – week 3

Discussion Questions – week 3

1) What are natural orders? What are human-made orders?

“Much of the order within our mind seems to be learned from the natural order of the universe” (UOP, 2007). Natural orders are comprised of four orders: topical, analogical, chronological, and causal.

“In the universe most things have their “natural” place, or topical order. Water flows to its lowest level, lead sinks down” (UOP, 2007). Topical Orders are basically follow the natural order of nature and well designed man made objects.

“All around us we see similarities” (UOP, 2007). Analogical orders allow to draw similarities references between objects “found both in the world and in our mind… for example we see similarities between a ball and a planet, a flower and a tree” (UOP, 2007).

Chronological orders “takes place through time; we see things changing in sequence and we call this order of time chronological, “Chronological order are step or changes done in a pre determined sequential order. For example when a builder is building a home the foundation is always poured prior to raising support beams.

Causal orders are actions or reaction where, “experience has taught us that all changes have reasons; when we find the reasons we call them causes, and the changes they produce, effects. We call this order causal” (UOP, 2007)

Human Made Order or Mental orders come largely from human structures,” (mental orders can be arbitrary, such as an alphabetical seating arrangement, or they can be logical, as when we decide to store our valuables in different places according to their worth” (mental orders can be arbitrary, such as an alphabetical seating arrangement, or they can be logical, as when we decide to store our valuables in different places according to their worth (UOP, 2007).


University of Phoenix PHL 251 week three reading

2) What are some ethical considerations in persuasion?

What is persuasion? According to on line dictionary persuasion has many definitions a few are:

1. The act of persuading or seeking to persuade.
2. The power of persuading; persuasive force.
3. The state or fact of being persuaded or convinced.
4. A deep conviction or belief.
5. A form or system of belief. (Dictionary, 2007)

The University of Phoenix PHL-251 chapter 13 readings states, “If we try to persuade people to do something solely for our advantage, we are using them. That is manipulation. If we try to get them to do something that is believe for their, society’s good, is manipulation or persuasion” (UOP, 2007).

When attempting to persuade and individual or group the persuader must thinks why they are persuading, who is benefiting by the persuasion and is the persuader being an honest person of integrity.

I am concerned with doctors which use persuasion to influence patients to undergo unwarranted expensive procedures. Dentists, chiropractors, and plastic surgeons often breach ethical standards. Some dentists tell patient they need porcelain fillings to replay the old medal one when noting is wrong with the old fillings. Some chiropractors recommended unneeded lengthy treatment when not needed and finally some plastic surgeons seduce patients with the promise of the surgical fountain of youth at an enormous price. All of the examples show the persuader unnecessary benefitting from the individuals they were supposed to be serving and in these cases the persuaders have not considered their un-ethical actions.


University of Phoenix PHL 251 chapter thirteen reading

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations this blog is from 2007 so I assume you have graduated. I am taking phl 251 at this present time. I just wanted to say your post helped me alot thank you